ConstructionOnline Blog

Avoiding Cloud Technology? Here's How You're Falling Behind

The internet is not new, and neither is the cloud. Technology in construction has been around for over 20 years, but desktop solutions are causing contractors to fall behind. Switching to cloud-based construction management can be daunting, but did you know that it could be the difference between a desktop management system and the cloud that causes you to go out of business?

Topics: UDA ConstructionOnline Best Practices Learn From the Pros Commercial Project Communication Financials Subcontractors Residential Multi-Family TrueVision™ Business Intelligence Contact Management Project Management

3 Priorities for Construction Project Managers, According to President Eisenhower

Known mainly for his military and political achievements, President Dwight D. Eisenhower found success following a principle he shared often, “[w]hat is important is seldom urgent, and what is urgent is seldom important.” In construction project management, the Urgent-Important principle suggests that project managers should ensure they are prioritizing the important tasks that might not have immediate deadlines. Here are three tasks that we think are highly important for construction projects that may not set off any of your urgent alarms.

Topics: UDA ConstructionOnline ConstructionOnline Tips & Tricks Business Building Best Practices

3 Ways to Take Control of Your Construction Change Orders

Depending on who you talk to, the term “Change Order” can solicit a broad range of reactions. The most common reactions might include heavy sighs, eye rolls, or pursed lips, while some uncommon ones could have you ducking for cover as every object within reach comes flying at your head. For many, Change Orders have done more than enough damage to a bottom line to warrant the type of disgust merely whispering the word can invoke. For others, however, Change Orders are the golden goose; these select few have mastered the art of the Change Order, and these are the ones you should be paying attention to. 

Topics: UDA ConstructionOnline ConstructionOnline Tips & Tricks Business Building Change Orders

Why Should I Use Construction Estimating Templates?

At UDA Technologies, we frequently recommend working with templates in construction management – estimate templates, schedule templates, document templates, even complete project templates – because we know that building repeatable, reliable processes supports the growth and success of your construction company. However, many construction professionals scoff at the idea of templates when first introduced, thinking that these types of tools only apply to certain types of builders. You’ll be happy to learn that templates – particularly construction estimate templates – are actually beneficial tools for almost all types of builders. Read on to learn more about why you should start using estimate templates today at your business:

Topics: UDA ConstructionOnline UDA ConstructionSuite Best Practices Estimating

Avoid Communication Breakdown in Construction Projects

It goes without saying that effective communication is crucial for the success of your construction projects. But anyone who has ever spent a day on the jobsite knows just how easily communication can get lost in the chaos - drowned out by the constant changes, shifting timelines, and unforeseen issues that are all in a day's work on any construction project. Miscommunication - or a lack of communication altogether - can lead to costly errors & project delays, and may ultimately compromise the overall quality of the build.

Fortunately, these missteps are completely avoidable when you take steps to streamline communication. Whether it's conveying design changes, addressing safety concerns, providing timely updates, or coordinating complex tasks, implementing simple, convenient solutions to keep your team members connected can enhance collaboration, minimize risk, and keep construction projects running on time and under budget.  

Many construction companies today find that construction management software provides a valuable solution for project communication. By acting as the central hub for all project-related communication, construction management software, like ConstructionOnline, acts as the central hub for all project-related communication and guarantees that everyone from architects and engineers to contractors and laborers remains connected and well-informed.

Topics: UDA ConstructionOnline Best Practices

ConstructionOnline Secret Hacks: Compress Schedule

Over half a million users can attest that ConstructionOnline addresses the prevalent project management needs of growing construction firms across the globe -- but do you know about ConstructionOnline’s secret weapons? ConstructionOnline Secret Hacks will point you to ConstructionOnline’s most unique tools, differentiators which truly make ConstructionOnline stand out as the most powerful construction project management software platform on the web today.

Topics: UDA ConstructionOnline ConstructionOnline Tips & Tricks Scheduling

ConstructionOnline Secret Hacks: Custom Calendars

Over half a million users can attest that ConstructionOnline addresses the prevalent project management needs of growing construction firms across the globe -- but do you know about ConstructionOnline’s secret weapons? ConstructionOnline Secret Hacks will point you to ConstructionOnline’s most unique tools, differentiators which truly make ConstructionOnline stand out as the most powerful construction project management platform on the web today.

Topics: UDA ConstructionOnline Calendars & Schedules

Success Spotlight: Peak Improvements

UDA Technologies is the fastest growing provider of construction management software. With over 750,000 users worldwide and exceeding $85 billion in jobs managed every day, our goal remains the same: your success. Our clients are helping to build the world and make a difference in their communities. This post is part of an ongoing series showcasing the work of UDA clients around the globe. This week we'd like to highlight Peak Improvements, and share the story of their success.

Topics: UDA ConstructionOnline UDA ConstructionSuite Customer Spotlight

Learn from the Pros: Organize Construction Selections with Project Management Software

UDA Technologies is the fastest growing provider of construction management software. With over 750,000 users worldwide and exceeding $85 billion in jobs managed every day, our goal remains the same: your success. This post is part of an ongoing series that deep dives into features of our ConstructionOnline project management solution.

Topics: UDA ConstructionOnline Learn From the Pros Client Selections Project Communication Residential Builders & Remodelers

ConstructionOnline Secret Hacks: Automated Reminders for Construction Daily Logs

Over half a million users can attest that ConstructionOnline addresses the prevalent project management needs of growing construction firms across the globe -- but do you know about ConstructionOnline’s secret weapons? ConstructionOnline Secret Hacks will point you to ConstructionOnline’s most unique tools, differentiators which truly make ConstructionOnline stand out as the most powerful construction project management software on the web today.

Topics: ConstructionOnline Secret Hacks UDA ConstructionOnline Best Practices