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ConstructionOnline Secret Hacks: Compress Schedule


Over half a million users can attest that ConstructionOnline addresses the prevalent project management needs of growing construction firms across the globe -- but do you know about ConstructionOnline’s secret weapons? ConstructionOnline Secret Hacks will point you to ConstructionOnline’s most unique tools, differentiators which truly make ConstructionOnline stand out as the most powerful construction project management software platform on the web today.

Compress Construction Schedules to save time and streamline schedule updates

Keeping construction schedules up to date with accurate information is a necessary part of any successful construction job. While updating a schedule that is already in progress or even when creating a new schedule, gaps can appear between tasks. Instead of having to move every task individually (or marking all tasks ASAP), using the compress schedule function moves all tasks together to eliminate all extra days between tasks. Simply click the button and ta-da! 

This handy feature is available in both ConstructionOnline and ConstructionSuite under Scheduling Tools:

Compress Schedule New COL

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