ConstructionOnline Blog

Avoiding Cloud Technology? Here's How You're Falling Behind

construction cloud computing

The internet is not new, and neither is the cloud. Technology in construction has been around for over 20 years, but desktop solutions are causing contractors to fall behind. Switching to cloud-based construction management can be daunting, but did you know that it could be the difference between a desktop management system and the cloud that causes you to go out of business?

Imagine transforming your construction project management into a streamlined, error-free machine with just a few clicks. Welcome to the future of construction projects— cloud computing. Gone are the days of losing important documents, estimate overages, overdue deadlines, and grappling with outdated hardware. Thanks to cloud computing, all your project data lives online, accessible from anywhere, anytime.

Not Using the Cloud? This Could be You:

Consider an example:

You’re a construction company owner or administrator. You have a desktop software system that you bought a license for several years ago. You like the way the system works, and you’re comfortable with your current construction technology setup. You edit documents in Microsoft Word, download them to your laptop, email them to clients, and manage your estimates and schedules in your desktop software.

You use your laptop so that you can access your data when meeting with clients or when you’re on-site. 

Everything is working just fine… until one day. Your laptop, which held key project data, suddenly stopped working. Pretty much everyone can recall a time when their computer stopped working randomly, and they cannot determine the cause. You try plugging it in in case it’s dead, you take it to a professional, you try everything possible – all with no avail

Your device (simply put) cannot be used anymore. This means that your project documents, your estimates, your schedules, contracts, change orders, selections, plans, and more – none of these can be accessed or retrieved.

Now what?

Maybe you can find a copy of communication from your emails with clients, maybe you could ask them to send copies of contracts, maybe you could ask your subs to send their purchase orders again. This will make you look incredibly unprofessional, cost your team countless hours of time in just retrieving information, and it’ll be pretty much impossible to ensure that nothing is lost.

There are countless other ways that using desktop software could result in disaster – an office fire, water damage, unauthorized device updates, and the list goes on.

On the other hand, if you were using cloud-based construction software, none of this would have happened! All you would have had to do is log in to your cloud-based construction management software from another device, and all of your information would’ve populated in seconds.

So, What is The Cloud?

Cloud computing is a technology that allows you to store, manage, and process data over the internet, instead of using your computer’s hard drive or local servers. This means you don't need to worry about running out of storage or having the latest hardware, because the cloud handles all the heavy lifting. Cloud computing revolutionizes how we manage data by storing it online, so you can access it from any device or any location.

cloud computing

The Benefits of Using the Cloud

Using the cloud can dramatically reduce legal risks in your company. Before we dive into direct risk management, here are five additional benefits of using the cloud:


By using cloud-based programs, your project and company data can be accessed from any device, anywhere. The only requirement is an internet connection. The right software solution will also offer a mobile app to use on the go. There is no need to download anything or use up device storage.


Web-based applications allow team members to collaborate and manage info in real time. Therefore, whenever anything is documented from the site, it can be accessed from elsewhere in seconds. You no longer have to send manual updates or be in the same location to work together.

Maintenance and Security

With updates to desktop software, downloads and refreshes are required for any updates. Cloud software eliminates the time needed to update and maintain desktop software with automatic live updates. Cloud solutions also uniquely have data backups in place. In case a device spontaneously stops working or any other emergency situation arises, cloud software has proactively secured all of your data.

Client Satisfaction

Using cloud software facilitates stronger relationships with clients. First, cloud software allows access from anywhere, making it easier to provide information to clients in a timely manner. In addition, the best software platforms will include the opportunity to directly involve clients. This could be anything from client preference tools that they can use in the system, to simply having viewing access for project progress.

Historical Data

One of the foundations of cloud computing is increased storage. By having essentially unlimited storage, your company can keep historical records of your projects. Instead of having to regularly clear out files on a local device, now you can simply move completed projects to a different location, but every piece of data still remains. This historical data is crucial in case any future issues arise.

Using Cloud Tools to Reduce Legal Risks

By using cloud-based tools, construction companies can avoid major legal risks by streamlining their processes and improving communication between teams. Whether it's managing project schedules, tracking materials, or sharing design plans, cloud computing helps keep everything organized and efficient, leading to smoother project execution and better results.

Organizing Documents

Cloud software provides a centralized storage system for all important project documents, such as contracts, blueprints, and emails. This makes it easier to organize and access these documents when needed. Additionally, the system tracks changes to documents, ensuring that everyone works from the most current version and reducing the risk of confusion.

Tracking Activity

Cloud software keeps records of who made changes and when with historical action logs. This can be important if there are disputes about what happened and who was responsible. Tracking project activity as well can further enforce legal protection. By requiring work logs, punch lists, and other project tracking responsibilities for site employees, an accurate and detailed record of the project can be kept in the cloud. 

For instance, documenting the use of punch lists can help to protect your company in case of accusations regarding regulatory compliance.

Improving Communication

With real-time collaboration, cloud software allows team members, subcontractors, and clients to work together and share information instantly. This reduces the chances of miscommunication, ensures that any issues can be caught early-on, and makes sure that everyone is always on the same page. Furthermore, messages, change orders, selections, RFIs, and other important communication stored in the cloud can provide evidence in case of disagreements, proving what was discussed and decided.

communication in construction

Ensuring Compliance

Ensuring compliance is another benefit of cloud software. It can send automatic reminders for deadlines, inspections, and regulatory requirements – helping companies meet all legal obligations. There may be further options to automate these requirements. For instance, with ConstructionOnline’s OnPlan Scheduling, construction schedules can be saved as a template. With these requirements and events built into the template, any future schedules can be built off of that template. This way, the chances of any important legal obligations getting skipped over are slim to none. 

Managing Issues

Cloud software can keep a log of problems and how they were solved, showing undeniable proof that issues were addressed properly. Issues in a construction project can be internal, with only company employees being aware of the issue and resolution. They could also be external. A subcontractor could have made a mistake or missed a deadline. However, with a communication log and record of issue documentation, it can be made clear which party is at fault.

Handling Legal and Insurance Documents

Insurance certificates and other legal correspondence can be stored and accessed easily, ensuring they are up-to-date. The software also makes it easier to draft, store, and manage contracts and other legal documents, including sending alerts for necessary changes or renewals. These documents can still be printed and stored locally as needed, but having the record stored in the cloud protects against important documents getting lost.

Securing Data

Data security is enhanced with cloud software. It typically includes strong security features like encryption and secure login options to protect sensitive information. Many cloud providers also offer backup and recovery options to prevent data loss from unforeseen events. With cloud storage, space is virtually unlimited. 

When managing company data on a local device, storage space can fill up quickly. This could result in the deletion of data from completed projects and such. However, that historical data is often crucial in fighting disputes. You never know what you may need, so taking advantage of cloud storage is the easiest way to ensure legal protection.

Now It’s Time to Get Started:

Did you know that compared to more profitable industries, most construction firms under-invest in technology? For the construction industry as a whole, an average of only 2.2% of annual revenue is spent on software. 

software investments

In today’s construction industry, dealing with legal risks and ensuring cloud access to crucial data are essential. Follow these next steps to ensure your company’s security and compounding success:

Step 1: Assess Your Needs

The first step in adopting cloud software is to assess your company. Begin by evaluating your current processes and identifying areas where cloud computing can add value. Which project management tasks do you wish you could spend less time on? How could your team improve with better real-time communication? It’s important to determine what you’re looking for so you can make better informed decisions. 

Step 2: Do Some Research

Don’t overcomplicate the research by making a long list of “wants” with software and search tirelessly for a system that will complete that list to a “T”. Remember, every company is different, and it is virtually impossible to find a software solution that will be perfectly tailored to your company.

Instead, focus on reliability, ease of use, customer support, and most importantly, what others say about the product. Understand that when adopting any new system, you will probably have to make some changes. It is important to communicate these things with your salesperson so that they can recommend the best solutions. By finding a customizable solution with elaborate support, you can have confidence that your onboarding process will run as smoothly as possible.

Step 3: Choose ConstructionOnline

ConstructionOnline is the #1-rated construction software in the industry. With over 25 years of construction software experience, ConstructionOnline is equipped to tackle each of these challenges effectively. ConstructionOnline is designed to be customizable – optimized for all types of construction companies and all company sizes.

ConstructionOnline offers any and all project management tools that a construction company may need: 

Starting with the opportunity stage of the project, ConstructionOnline’s CRM and Sales Management Tools empower construction professionals to manage all data and communication at this stage in one place. With real-time updates, you can impress your leads with just how quickly and professionally this stage is handled.

Once the contract is signed, one click of a button will take all of that data and convert it into a project.

Then, manage the project’s:

... and anything else you can think of – all within one system. 

all you need

Additionally, historical data and TrueVision’s business analytic tools will give you clear insights into your company’s health. This will help you find areas that need improvement.

With subscriptions starting for free and customizable options to design the right package for you, there is no reason to delay success.

All of that being said, ConstructionOnline’s customizability and track record in the industry make it the top choice for cloud-based construction management. It streamlines document handling, improves communication, ensures compliance, and enhances security – helping you minimize legal risks and maintain smooth company success. 

Get started today:

Key Takeaways:

Embracing cloud computing is no longer a luxury but a necessity in the modern construction industry. By transitioning to cloud-based tools, you not only streamline your processes but also enhance communication, boost efficiency, and minimize legal risks. The power of the cloud lies in its ability to centralize data, facilitate real-time collaboration, and ensure that your project information is secure and accessible from anywhere.

With ConstructionOnline, construction companies can navigate the complexities of project management with ease. By adopting cloud technology in construction, you position your business at the forefront of innovation; ready to tackle projects more effectively and safeguard against potential legal pitfalls.

In a construction, where precision and efficiency are paramount, cloud computing isn’t just a tool—it’s a game-changer. Embrace the cloud, leverage its full potential, and watch your construction projects soar to new heights of success and reliability today.

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