ConstructionOnline Blog

The Cost of Chaos: 8 Expense Tracking Mistakes that can Sink Your Business

Imagine you’re building a house, but no one’s checking the plans, tracking the budget, or making sure the materials fit the design. Sounds like a recipe for disaster, right? You may be surprised to hear that when your company doesn’t have proper construction expense management, it can be just as disastrous. Inaccurate and unorganized construction expense tracking can lead to project delays, budget overruns, and even legal trouble. Let’s dive into the 8 biggest mistakes construction companies make when tracking expenses, and how to solve them.

Topics: Best Practices Estimating Financials Project Management OnCost™ Purchasing Purchase Orders

5 Ways Purchase Orders Can Improve Construction Financial Management

Creating an accurate estimate and managing finances is one of the most essential parts of completing successful projects and running a profitable construction business, and having a system in place for managing construction purchase orders (POs), billing, and payments is a big part of managing project finances.

In this article, we’ll tell you why POs can make or break the success of your projects in 5 crucial ways, and we’ll explain the single best way you can use technology to streamline your construction PO management.

Topics: Best Practices Project Communication

Avoiding Cloud Technology? Here's How You're Falling Behind

The internet is not new, and neither is the cloud. Technology in construction has been around for over 20 years, but desktop solutions are causing contractors to fall behind. Switching to cloud-based construction management can be daunting, but did you know that it could be the difference between a desktop management system and the cloud that causes you to go out of business?

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Boost Stakeholder Communication: Reduce Risks in Construction Projects

When communication between your company team and external stakeholders like clients, architects, engineers, and other non-company team members is not optimal, you’ll end up missing deadlines and glossing over important project details, both of which expose you to legal risks and ultimately mean less money.

In this article, we’ll tell you how to streamline your external communication with people outside of your company so that you can reduce risks, stay on budget, and protect your bottom line.

Topics: Best Practices Project Communication