ConstructionOnline Blog

3 Surprising Ways to Use Construction Punch Lists

Although punch lists are a familiar assessment tool in the construction industry, the many possible ways in which they can be applied are commonly overlooked. We all know that punch lists are the standard for end-of-project walk-thrus and inspections, but have you ever considered using a punch list app to successfully end each phase of a project, or ensure all necessary documentation is completed across the duration of a job? What about measuring your preparedness for a trade show or making sure a lead is fully qualified using a punch list? Below, we provide 3 unconventional yet easy adaptations for the common punch list format:

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3 Ways to Take Control of Your Construction Change Orders

Depending on who you talk to, the term “Change Order” can solicit a broad range of reactions. The most common reactions might include heavy sighs, eye rolls, or pursed lips, while some uncommon ones could have you ducking for cover as every object within reach comes flying at your head. For many, Change Orders have done more than enough damage to a bottom line to warrant the type of disgust merely whispering the word can invoke. For others, however, Change Orders are the golden goose; these select few have mastered the art of the Change Order, and these are the ones you should be paying attention to. 

Topics: UDA ConstructionOnline ConstructionOnline Tips & Tricks Business Building Change Orders