ConstructionOnline Blog

Top 5 Tips: Digital Marketing for Construction Companies

For construction industry marketing strategies, digital marketing is essential. Having a strong online presence is crucial for any business, including construction companies. With the continuing rise of technology, it is crucial to use digital marketing to reach potential clients. With the right preparation and resources, digital marketing for construction companies is easily accessible. Here are the top five tips to boost your digital marketing efforts.

Topics: Best Practices

7 Essential Digital Construction Tools

Starting your own business will introduce many questions along the way. In the construction industry, you may ask - “What beginner construction tools do I need?”. Of course, it is important to make sure to have tools like a hand drill, a nail gun, and a concrete mixer handy. However, having the proper digital construction tools can make or break your company’s success.

This guide will detail the essential tools for small contractors that are crucial for your company’s success. Set your company up for success from the start with the right construction software for small builders. By doing so, you can have a more efficient team, reduce legal risks, and win more jobs by setting yourself apart from your competitors.

Topics: Best Practices

3 Foundational Tips for Change Management in the Workplace

The world is changing quickly, which means business practices will need to change with it. It’s not unusual to struggle with change in your business. Every business has to grapple with change at one point or another, and it’s a difficult challenge for us all. 

The good news is that if you’re having to make a change in your company, you’re not alone! There are a few ways to help ease and expedite the process. By adjusting your mindset, embracing creativity, and maintaining clear and constant communication, managing workplace change will become much easier.

Topics: Best Practices

Best Construction Photo Documentation Practices

In the construction industry, every detail counts. From the initial site work to final touches, documenting the journey of a construction project is essential. Amidst the chaos of heavy machinery, intricate designs, and tight deadlines, photos serve as the eyes that capture every phase of progress.

However, managing these visual records can be a daunting task. This guide will express the importance of documenting photos for construction projects, how to organize them, and other photo management best practices.

Topics: Best Practices Cloud File Management

The Ultimate Guide to Construction Document Management

Between contracts, drawings, safety reports, photos, and the countless other construction documents, there is plenty for construction professionals to have to manage. The way a company manages construction documents and other files and photos is crucial for success. The good news? It’s simpler to manage than it seems. With these five quick tips, construction document control is easier than ever. 

Topics: Best Practices Cloud File Management

Retaining Young Workers: 5 Ways to Boost Workplace Morale

As Gen Z workers enter the workforce, employers across all industries are witnessing a noticeable change. In recent years, employee expectations for the workplace have clearly shifted, placing a greater emphasis on workplace morale. To effectively build for the future, business owners should prepare for what these young employees look for in the workplace. 

Topics: Business Building Best Practices

3 Steps to Getting Started Successfully with Construction Management Software

Congratulations! You did it!

After hours of painstaking research, budget discussions, software demos, and exploratory trials, you sealed the deal on the ideal construction project management software for your company.

. . . Now what?

It may feel overwhelming when you are first tasked with getting your new-to-you construction management software up and running at your company, but that's where we come in - the experts who make up ConstructionOnline's Success Team. Our goal is your success, and we'll show you that better project management is as easy as 1, 2, 3…

Topics: ConstructionOnline Tips & Tricks Business Building Best Practices

Maximizing the ROI of Happy Customers for Your Construction Company

Some construction professionals have dismissed the importance of customer service in the construction industry, not worrying if the customer experience is good, as long as the project result meets expectations. Don’t make this mistake - your company is not a single-dimensional company. Yes, you are a construction company, so you must provide quality construction services. However, the customer is the reason for your work, and so the entirety of their experience matters, not just the result. Extraordinary customer experiences create happy customers, and happy customers generate new business.

Topics: Business Building Best Practices

Best Practices for Getting Started with Construction Estimating Software

In my role as Success Coordinator for UDA ConstructionOnline, I’ve worked with hundreds of construction teams who have found that the implementation of UDA’s industry-leading construction estimating software has led to substantial revenue growth for their companies. Oftentimes, a company’s success can be determined early on by the priority they place on the simple things. For new customers getting started or current customers who are looking to do more, these are the three best practices that can be applied to support your success with construction estimating software -

Topics: UDA Technologies Business Building Best Practices Estimating

3 Priorities for Construction Project Managers, According to President Eisenhower

Known mainly for his military and political achievements, President Dwight D. Eisenhower found success following a principle he shared often, “[w]hat is important is seldom urgent, and what is urgent is seldom important.” In construction project management, the Urgent-Important principle suggests that project managers should ensure they are prioritizing the important tasks that might not have immediate deadlines. Here are three tasks that we think are highly important for construction projects that may not set off any of your urgent alarms.

Topics: UDA ConstructionOnline ConstructionOnline Tips & Tricks Business Building Best Practices