ConstructionOnline Blog

7 Essential Digital Construction Tools

Starting your own business will introduce many questions along the way. In the construction industry, you may ask - “What beginner construction tools do I need?”. Of course, it is important to make sure to have tools like a hand drill, a nail gun, and a concrete mixer handy. However, having the proper digital construction tools can make or break your company’s success.

This guide will detail the essential tools for small contractors that are crucial for your company’s success. Set your company up for success from the start with the right construction software for small builders. By doing so, you can have a more efficient team, reduce legal risks, and win more jobs by setting yourself apart from your competitors.

Topics: Best Practices

Construction Project Scope: What It Is, Why Use It, & How to Define It

Defining a project scope is important for any major project, and construction projects are no different. Because of the multifaceted nature of construction projects, it’s easy to run into problems if you, your client, and your team don’t have a clear picture of everything that is expected out of a project.

This article covers everything you need to know about defining a construction project scope, including what it is, why it’s essential to project management, and some steps you can take to clearly define a project scope, so that your projects and your construction business can be successful.


3 Foundational Tips for Change Management in the Workplace

The world is changing quickly, which means business practices will need to change with it. It’s not unusual to struggle with change in your business. Every business has to grapple with change at one point or another, and it’s a difficult challenge for us all. 

The good news is that if you’re having to make a change in your company, you’re not alone! There are a few ways to help ease and expedite the process. By adjusting your mindset, embracing creativity, and maintaining clear and constant communication, managing workplace change will become much easier.

Topics: Best Practices

8 Key Components of a Successful Construction Business

Wondering why your construction business is becoming less and less profitable year by year? Or maybe you just want to know some proven ways to maintain your business' success?

Here are some of our best tips for creating a repeatable success in your construction business from our experience working with more than 950,000 construction professionals world wide: