ConstructionOnline Blog

Best Construction Photo Documentation Practices

In the construction industry, every detail counts. From the initial site work to final touches, documenting the journey of a construction project is essential. Amidst the chaos of heavy machinery, intricate designs, and tight deadlines, photos serve as the eyes that capture every phase of progress.

However, managing these visual records can be a daunting task. This guide will express the importance of documenting photos for construction projects, how to organize them, and other photo management best practices.

Topics: Best Practices Cloud File Management

The Ultimate Guide to Construction Document Management

Between contracts, drawings, safety reports, photos, and the countless other construction documents, there is plenty for construction professionals to have to manage. The way a company manages construction documents and other files and photos is crucial for success. The good news? It’s simpler to manage than it seems. With these five quick tips, construction document control is easier than ever. 

Topics: Best Practices Cloud File Management