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ConstructionOnline Secret Hacks: Stoplight Indicator Offers At-a-Glance Updates


Over half a million users can attest that ConstructionOnline addresses the prevalent project management needs of growing construction firms across the globe -- but do you know about ConstructionOnline’s secret weapons? ConstructionOnline Secret Hacks will point you to ConstructionOnline’s most unique tools, differentiators which truly make ConstructionOnline stand out as the most powerful construction project management software on the market today.

The Stoplight: Current Status, At-A-Glance

Time is one of the most sought-after commodities in the construction industry - we know, every second counts. A key element to maximizing time is found in ensuring efficient, effective communication. The need to quickly and easily communicate the status of critical project details to your team is something you struggle with every day, which is why UDA Technologies developed the handy-dandy Stoplight Marker now found in ConstructionOnline's Schedules and Estimates

With the familiar Red-Yellow-Green options available, you can convey the status of a Scheduled Task or Estimate Line Item in only a couple of clicks. Consider it a flag for items that need attention, acknowledgement of a delay in processing, or simply confirmation of a job well done - UDA allows for you to define the specific connotation within your company. The Stoplight Indicator can be found in the first column of your ConstructionOnline Schedules and Estimates, for easy access and even easier updating. It really is the little things that make the biggest differences.  Ready? Set. Go! 

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