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Top 5 Tips: Digital Marketing for Construction Companies

Digital Marketing

For construction industry marketing strategies, digital marketing is essential. Having a strong online presence is crucial for any business, including construction companies. With the continuing rise of technology, it is crucial to use digital marketing to reach potential clients. With the right preparation and resources, digital marketing for construction companies is easily accessible. Here are the top five tips to boost your digital marketing efforts.

1. Prioritize Content Creation

Make sure you have a robust library of content that can be effectively utilized across various platforms such as your website, social media channels, and advertisements. It's important to focus on consistently generating high-quality content to maximize its utility for your team. By prioritizing content creation, you enable your team to leverage resources efficiently, which not only enhances productivity but also attracts a broader audience of potential customers.

This strategic approach not only streamlines operations but also contributes significantly to the growth and development of your business, establishing a strong foundation for sustained success in your marketing efforts. Having enough content allows your team to deliver on any of your construction company marketing ideas. Here are the most crucial content types:

  • Case Studies

    Case studies are the most effective form of marketing content. Use real client stories to attract new leads and showcase your connections with your past clients. This builds confidence in future clients. They can see what others have said about your services, instead of simply having to take your word for it.

    Sending surveys at the end of completed projects is an easy way to have content available without dedicating a significant amount of time and effort to creating them. Using a product like GuildQuality helps to automate that process.
  • Photos and Videos

    Visual content is becoming more popular by the day. In construction, it’s important to have visual proof of successful projects to establish credibility and expertise. This showcases your talent and helps clients visualize the results they can expect when investing in your company. Photos and videos are also crucial for building a successful website. Your team can post videos through YouTube, or even create a podcast with expert tips to build brand awareness.

  • Tips From the Experts

    Share tips that will provide value to your audience. For example, if you are a custom home builder, you may want to share tips for finding the right builder for your dream home. This way, you can subtly promote your business while providing valuable content to your audience. Finding topics that allow you to do both shows that you are an expert in the industry and will engage your target audience. 


Your team can use these different types of content across different platforms. When running your construction company, it is important to be sure that you are prioritizing efficiency. Using the same content in various ways can make the most out of your digital marketing efforts. 

2. Build a Professional Website

Your website is frequently the initial impression potential clients have of your business, making it crucial for it to appear polished and function seamlessly. A professional website serves as the cornerstone for all your marketing endeavors. Whether it’s through social media, advertisements, email campaigns, blog posts, or other digital marketing efforts, they all ultimately direct traffic to your website.

Therefore, it's essential to ensure your website not only looks professional but is also easy to navigate. A well-designed website enhances user experience, encourages visitor engagement, and effectively communicates your brand's message. Investing in a professional and user-friendly website is vital for establishing credibility, attracting customers, and supporting your overall marketing strategy. Here are some tips for your site:

  • Easy to Use

    Make sure your website is simple to navigate. Visitors should be able to find what they need quickly. Don’t include unnecessary tabs and information. Keep it simple and effective. Remember that it is easy to add tabs and landing pages as your company grows. Having empty landing pages makes your company appear unprofessional, so don’t create pages until you have the content for the page.

  • Informative

    Include details about your services, past projects, and customer reviews. Be sure to include information that will make potential clients trust your company. Anything that clients may need to know to feel secure in trusting your team is crucial to include. This may be what your process looks like, what your engagement with clients during a project looks like, and how you utilize other stakeholders throughout a project’s lifecycle.

  • Visual

    Include photos and/or videos of your company’s past projects. This will help leads visualize your talent and past success. This way, they can see what to expect when they invest in your company. In addition, it’s important to have a visually pleasing and professional website. This means having consistent fonts, color schemes, and layouts. 

  • Mobile-Friendly

    Ensure your website looks good and functions well on mobile devices. This establishes professionalism and accessibility. This makes it easy for potential clients to navigate your website from sources like social media. It also allows clients to come across your site in a more casual setting.

  • Lead Capture

    It’s important to have an easy way for potential clients to give you their information. This helps build relationships which leads to lasting success. ConstructionOnline offers a great lead capture platform that integrates with your project management. ConstructionOnline’s lead capture can easily link to your website. It includes a place for photos and client information, and then it will automatically populate in your CRM and Project Management Software. Try ConstructionOnline for free today here: Free ConstructionOnline Account Access.

Building a website can take a lot of valuable time. Whether you have a lot of experience with web design or none at all, hiring a professional website designer is an excellent choice for construction companies. You could hire a reputable marketing agency to handle the website build or find a freelancer on sites like Fiverr, Upwork, or Freelancer.

Be advised that freelance sites occasionally have fraudulent profiles surface, regardless of the required and extensive credibility checks. Check out this article for tips on how to avoid fraud on freelancing sites: How to avoid scams on Fiverr, Upwork, and Freelancer.

3. Use Social Media

Social media platforms are great tools for connecting with potential clients and showcasing your work. They provide a powerful way to reach out and engage with a wide audience. It’s crucial to grasp the nuances of each platform, understand the content that resonates there, and how it aligns with your company’s goals. Selecting the appropriate platforms and consistently investing effort in them can significantly impact your outreach and brand presence.

Not every platform will be essential for your business. Use careful consideration and strategic selection to maximize your social media marketing strategy. By focusing on the platforms that best suit your needs, you can build a strong online presence and communicate your brand message to your target audience. Here’s how to use them effectively:

  • Choose the Right Platforms 

    Each social media platform is used by different audiences. Also, social media platforms vary on the type of content that is posted. This chart details the differences – the expected audiences, recommended content, and popularity of each:

  • Post Regularly

    Share updates about your projects, company news, and industry trends. Posting regularly will increase engagement and establish credibility. Consistency is key. Quantity is important in social media marketing, but consistency is just as important. Instead of posting a lot of content at once and leaving it on your page, establish a strategy for regular posting.

  • Share Visuals

    Post high-quality photos and videos of your work. Visual content attracts more attention. Visual elements often speak for themselves, so it is easy to increase social media content by showcasing your work. In construction, visual proof of success is crucial. This way, potential clients can see what results they can expect from your team.

  • Engage With Followers

    Respond to comments and messages to show that you care about your audience. Engagement builds better relationships with your community. Building online relationships previews the communication they can expect when they hire your team for a project. This strengthens their confidence in your team before they commission your company for a project – crucial for securing jobs.

Social media is a great way to connect with potential clients in a widespread, easily accessible way. Optimize your content by posting photos/videos of your projects, and re-use the same content on every platform you decide to use. Use platforms like Hootsuite or Planable to track your posts across the board.

4. Utilize a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) System

A CRM helps you manage client interactions and keep important information organized. Using a CRM makes sure you can find what you need easily. This prevents losing track of potential projects. It also lets you respond quickly to messages, keep all proposal details in one place, and smoothly turn that information into a project when it's time.

A CRM is essential for building strong client relationships by organizing communication, simplifying data access, and speeding up responses to questions and project needs. It helps convert leads into projects efficiently, ensuring a smooth process from the first contact to completing the project. Here are some benefits of using a CRM:

  • Organized Information

    Respond to comments and messages to show that you care about your audience. Engagement builds better relationships with your community. Building online relationships previews the communication they can expect when they hire your team for a project. This strengthens their confidence in your team before they commission your company for a project – crucial for securing jobs.

    It is easy to lose track of contacts without a centralized place to keep a record of them. A CRM allows users to store all client details in one place, making it easy to find what you need. As your company grows, your company directory will grow as well.

    However, these contacts will be leads, former clients, vendors, subcontractors, and more. Using a CRM will help you organize these contacts by type, and with other fields as needed.

  • Better Communication

    Keep in touch with clients and update them on their projects and opportunities in one place. Communication is key to building rapport with leads and clients for repeat business. As an added benefit, keeping all communication in a centralized location ensures that no important information is lost. This leads to increased efficiency and professionalism.

  • Lead Management

    Track potential clients and follow up with them to convert leads into projects. With a CRM, users can document all necessary details, financial information, and documents needed to secure projects. ConstructionOnline’s CRM tools seamlessly track lead information, opportunities, and messages. Additionally, with ConstructionOnline, users seamlessly convert opportunities into projects. Managing all project data from cradle to grave has never been easier than with ConstructionOnline. 

Digital marketing initiatives, if done right, will cause your team to see an influx of new contacts and leads. That is why it is crucial to have the right system to manage these contacts.

Utilizing ConstructionOnline’s Lead Capture and CRM tools automates the majority of that organization of contact information and opportunity information. Additionally, ConstructionOnline is accessible to companies of all sizes. Get started with ConstructionOnline’s free project management tools today: Free ConstructionOnline Account Access

5. Use Email Marketing

Email marketing is a highly effective method for maintaining regular contact with clients and keeping them informed about your latest developments. Unlike social media platforms, email marketing has a longer history and a track record of consistent success in engaging audiences. Almost everyone uses email for important communication, which means that email marketing has the potential to reach a vast and diverse audience.

Its widespread accessibility makes it an invaluable tool for businesses looking to connect directly with their customer base, fostering ongoing relationships and ensuring that important updates and offers are communicated efficiently and effectively. Here’s how to do it well:

  • Utilize Email Marketing Platforms

    Platforms like MailChimp make email marketing easy to manage and track. It is important to utilize software to automate tasks as much as possible. MailChimp and other email marketing platforms have customizable options, as well as pre-built templates to get started easily.

  • Provide Valuable Content

    Share useful information, such as industry news and project updates, rather than just promotional material. Valuable content will make your audience retain interest and stay engaged. In addition, consistency is important. Establish an achievable schedule for email marketing, and consider trying different email types to see what resonates best with your contacts.

  • Personalize Your Emails

    Use the recipient’s name and tailor the content to make your emails more engaging. By personalizing emails and mentioning contacts by name, it helps to build stronger connections. It also encourages clients to respond. The more personal an email, the more likely a client is to respond and engage.

  • Send Surveys

    Testimonials are crucial in the construction industry for repeated success. Automate surveys to customers after their project has been completed so that you have success stories to promote. GuildQuality is a popular site that many successful construction professionals use to help automate client surveys.

Email marketing is a strategy used by companies of all kinds. Since email is very common, it’s a great way to reach out to a wide range of people. By taking advantage of a CRM and an email marketing platform, it is easy to automate these tasks.

Key Takeaways >

Digital marketing is a strong marketing strategy for construction companies. By following these digital marketing tips, your construction company can improve its online presence, attract more clients, and grow your business. Consistency and quality are key, so keep refining your efforts to achieve the best results.

Use easy-to-use project management tools that allow your team to easily manage your marketing efforts, contacts, and leads. Having additional access to managing projects in an all-in-one software solution is essential for decision-makers. Finding the right software to automate project management allows for more time for digital marketing and other strategic tasks that attract more business. ConstructionOnline is the industry’s top-rated project management software, and with a range of subscription options available, it is easy to get started.

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