ConstructionOnline Blog

ConstructionOnline vs. Procore: Which Is Best for Your Team?

You’ve heard a lot about both ConstructionOnline and Procore as far as construction management platforms go, but how can you be sure which one is worth the investment for your team?

ConstructionOnline is clearly the better choice for your business when it comes to value for your money, ease of use, customer support, and a robust set of features that make managing teams and projects a breeze.

Don’t believe us just yet? Keep reading!

ConstructionOnline Is The Better Choice According to Builders Like You

When we say ConstructionOnline is the top rated project management software, we’re not just telling you our opinion; we’re telling you the opinions of thousands of builders just like you!

Builders all around the world have said that our software is better in overall functionality as well as other categories that we know you care about:

  • More Value for Your Money

    Have you ever felt like you’ve completely wasted your time and money on a software investment that didn’t live up to your expectations? Well according to builders like you, that won’t happen with ConstructionOnline.

    Many of our clients who have come to us after trying Procore and other platforms say we are worth more value for our money than other project management systems they’ve tried.

    Unlike Procore, the price you pay for ConstructionOnline is not based on your projected revenue. Our prices are feature-based, which means you get exactly what you pay for, and your increased profits stay with you!

  • Easier to Use

Imagine if you could log into your project management software and actually look forward to using it because it’s easy to use and doesn’t cause you to pull your hair out. That’s what you’ll get with ConstructionOnline! 

According to our clients, ConstructionOnline is easier to use than Procore and the other guys. That means that not long after you spend some time getting to know how the software works, you’ll be amazed at just how easy it is for you, your team, your subs, and your clients to navigate and use.

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  • Better Customer Support

You know that immediate stress you feel when you call customer support and can’t easily get a real person on the phone? Well that’s a foreign concept to our clients.

When you purchase one of our higher-tier plans, you automatically get expert customer support from our product specialists and client success agents, which have consistently been rated number one in the industry.

  • Don’t Believe Us? Check the Stats Below!

If you still find it hard to believe that ConstructionOnline is rated far above our competitors, including procore, just take a look at our most recent ratings from Capterra, which is an online software review platform:



Here’s What ConstructionOnline Has That Our Competitors Don’t

So now you know what builders across the globe have said about ConstructionOnline, but now you’re probably wondering what is it about our project management tools and features that makes builders rate us #1 every time.

Here’s a list of our highly sought-after features that you probably won’t find anywhere else:

Robust Estimating

ConstructionOnline’s estimating is some of the most robust and comprehensive in the industry. Our estimating was specifically created to help you manage project finances and stay under budget from project start to project finish, including all of those unexpected budget changes that we know are bound to happen.

While Procore does have estimating tools, theirs are not as robust, comprehensive, and easy to use as ConstructionOnline's.

Here’s what you’ll get with our estimating:

  • Core estimating tools essential for every builder
  • Estimate reports and templates
  • Job costing and profitability reports
  • Proposals and contracts
  • Integration with QuickBooks, change orders, client selections, and Redline Takeoff
  • Items database and costbooks that can be linked to estimate line items



Redline Takeoff Software

ConstructionOnline’s integrated Redline takeoff software is yet another feature you won’t find in our competitors’ platforms. We know an estimate is nothing without an accurate takeoff, and with Redline Takeoff, you’ll be able to create estimates with confidence and accuracy.

Here’s what our Redline Takeoff integration allows you to do:

  • Core estimating tools essential for every builder
  • Estimate reports and templates
  • Job costing and profitability reports
  • Proposals and contracts
  • Integration with QuickBooks, change orders, client selections, and Redline Takeoff
  • Items database and costbooks that can be linked to estimate line items


Gantt Chart Scheduling & Multi-Project Scheduling

ConstructionOnline’s OnPlan Scheduling is optimized to help you improve productivity and increase efficiency. I’m sure you know how frustrating it is when all of your projects are consistently running over the set timeline: you lose time, credibility, money, and peace of mind.

With ConstructionOnline’s scheduling, you will never be out of the loop about what should be done and when, and how the project is progressing overall. Here’s what you get with our scheduling tools:

  • Gantt chart views and list views for a more comprehensive breakdown
  • Schedule baselines that help you track progress and slippage
  • Task reminders for you and your team
  • TrueVision multi-project scheduling

Want to know what kind of scheduling Procore has? None of its own! You have to integrate with a third-party tool like Microsoft Projects which means more expenses for your company. With us, everything is inhouse which means easier manageability and less money.


GamePlan Task Lists

With tools like ConstructionOnline’s GamePlan task lists, you and your team will always know exactly what needs to be done by what day and time. 

Have you ever been stressed out because your team is constantly asking you what they are supposed to be doing and as a result multiple tasks are finished late? With ConstructionOnline’s GamePlan reminders, you and your team will never be out of the loop about the important tasks that need to be done.

While Procore does have schedule task notification emails, they do not to our knowledge have a notification system like GamePlan that sends out comprehensive, detailed emails with all upcoming and past due tasks. Here’s how GamePlan task reminders can help your team stay on task and on schedule:

  • Relevant team members are automatically notified about upcoming and past due items like change orders, client selections, schedule tasks, RFIs, submittals, assigned lead, punch list items, checklist items, to do list items, and more
  • Customize GamePlans to be sent out at a specific day or time
  • Set up recurring emails to send out weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, or otherwise


TrueVision Business Intelligence

ConstructiOnline’s TrueVision Business Intelligence is really where we stand out from the competition, because none of our competitors have anything like it! TrueVision allows you to get a birds-eye-view of how your company is performing across multiple projects.

TrueVision gives you crucial insights on your overall project health, including financial health, team performance, resource tracking, and more. 

Here’s how TrueVision Business Intelligence helps your business be more successful:

  • Track project performance with project scorecards
  • Optimize your team’s efficiency with ResourceTrak by viewing availability, conflicts, workloads, and more
  • Manage multiple project schedules at once with multi-project scheduling
  • Predict future profits and track financial health with financials and profitability reporting


Want to See the Full Feature Comparison? 

We’ve given you a detailed breakdown of some of our most popular and helpful tools, but if you want the complete list of features that set us apart from our competitors, view the chart below:



Detailed Construction Estimating

Redline™ Takeoff

Items Database & Assemblies

Gantt Chart Scheduling

Multi-Project Scheduling

Lead Tracking & Opportunities

Files & Photos

Photostream Views

QuickBooks® Integration


Change Order Management

Client Selections

Selection QuickPick™ browser add on

Client & subcontractor logins

GamePlan™ automated task list emails

Redline™ Planroom

RFI & Submittal Tracking

Time Tracking

Punch Lists & Checklists

Daily Logging

Envoy™ Chat Instant Messaging

Mobile App

Application for Payment (AIA G702 / G703)

CAD Integration

ConstructionOnline Drive

Redline - Pin tasks to sheets

Redline - Compare sheet revisions

Redline - Scan for callouts, revisions, sheet #s

Spanish Language Version

Unlimited Users

TrueVision™ Business Intelligence

Project health & profitability tracking

Resource conflict & availability tracking


Read What Previous Procore Users Have Said About ConstructionOnline

Have we not fully convinced you that ConstructionOnline is clearly the better choice for your business? Well let our own clients who switched from Procore tell you what they think:

“Your project management side is much easier to maneuver than ProCore’s, that’s for darn sure.”

Frank Garcia, B&C Enterprises

“[ConstructionOnline] is easy to use and provides a great user-friendly tool to manage projects.”

Ray M, Project Director

“Our experience with ConstructionOnline was excellent from the initial contact through the demonstrations… We looked at 3 different software platforms to determine which would best fit our specific needs, and after going through demo sessions with all three, we landed on ConstructionOnline… Great people and user friendly software that delivered big results; a winning combination.”

Ray M, Project Director

“Its simple yet powerful in all aspects. I love the fact that you can modify anything to your liking.”

Anthony T, Project Coordinator



Ready to see for yourself how ConstructionOnline can help you manage more profitable and successful projects with ease? Click the button below to schedule your FREE demo with one of our product specialists:

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