UDA ConstructionOnline Blog

Bring Your Plans to Life with Redline Planroom

Written by Ryan Martin | July 15, 2020

Your plans & drawings are the true lifeblood of your construction projects. Let’s set aside such necessary facets of a project as scheduling and estimating for a moment; beyond the black and white, there is a vision to be expressed by what will soon take a tangible form by way of your and your team’s very own hands, and the plans for that house, that condo, or that commercial development are the very road maps for how a dream is to come to being.

With collaboration between you and your team in mind, the vision described by these plans is one that needs to be shared. However painfully, and as you may very well have experienced at various intervals, the seemingly simple act of getting these plans in front of the eyes of others can often be derailed by a myriad of pitfalls. With the plans still in their physical form, it can be hard to coordinate the time and place for all involved to take a look at them, thus leading to lost time and efficiency. Moreover, keeping track of all of the markups and annotations for those plans can prove to be an mess of scribbles, random lines, and bad handwriting.

So why continue to handle your plans as if it’s 1950? With Redline Planroom, you can easily put your plans in one place that will allow you to really get your collaborative process off the ground. Moreover, you can also mark up the drawings with ease, whether for public consumption or your own personal use. Want to send plans you’ve edited in Redline to someone who isn’t currently using ConstructionOnline? No problem! We’ve also made it very easy to email your plans to someone in a mere click.

In addition to the tools on offer to keep everybody in the loop for your plans, it is also a breeze to integrate your plans with other aspects of the job as well. Redline drawings can be linked to change orders, punch list items, and more! With such functionality, Redline isn’t only a way for you to share plans; it’s also invaluable for keeping your project organized!

Does Redline sound like just what you need for you and your business to take those next big steps? Get in touch with us today at (800) 700-8321, and we can talk about the possibilities that Redline can turn into a reality!

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