UDA ConstructionOnline Blog

Pro Tips for Growing Your Construction Company in 2019

Written by Cydney Dorsey | December 31, 2018

In my line of work, I get the opportunity to work with growing construction firms around the globe who are seeking a solution – a better way to do more. One of the most common areas companies initially need help is in capturing and tracking the right new leads. Luckily for you, we’ve done the hard part – figuring out what works – and so to support your continued growth and success, here are 4 tips to getting more leads and closing more deals in 2019:

Increase your Web Presence

  • Take advantage of the ConstructionOnline Public Profile, a single page webpage included with your ConstructionOnline account which enhances your company’s online accessibility, while also actually capturing lead information and populating it automatically into ConstructionOnline’s Lead Tracking system. We do everything but the handshake for you!
  • Houzz Profile – One of the secrets to a strong web presence is knowing where to go and where to grow. Focus on platforms where your audience frequents, build your presence where you know they are going to find what you offer. You wouldn’t expect to have great success selling bathing suits in Antarctica.

Know What’s Next

  • While it’s important to gather leads, it is most important what you do with those leads once you have them. Simply getting the ingredients at the grocery store doesn’t make dinner appear on the table. You want to be in touch with your leads quickly -- who in your company is the lead’s first point of contact? How are they notified of new leads? Who is responsible for seeing your leads through to closing?
  • The construction industry is one of the most competitive there is, so you must be prepared to quickly service new leads from anywhere at any time. Develop reliable, repeatable contract and estimate templates which allow you to provide fast, accurate bids for leads, keeping your pipeline flowing and your profit consistent.

Go Mobile

  • While many leads come through conventional, automated channels like phone calls and web forms, we know that some of the best leads come through the oldest form of doing business – the handshake. On the jobsite, at lunch, during community events – you and your team need access to critical lead data and project templates while on the go to always be closing.
  • You want to be the most professional and the most convenient option your leads encounter and providing custom branded mobile access through your very own mobile app, like the ConstructionOnline Custom Mobile App, puts you first and foremost in front of your clients. Direct, easy communication with potential clients provides the premium experience from start to finish that clients desire from choice contractors.

Do Business Intelligently

  • By using a detailed lead management tool, you can track where your best leads are coming from, how likely each individual lead is to close, which team members are closing which leads, what type of jobs you’re winning, what types of jobs you’re losing, and much more. This type of information can then be applied to target more, higher quality leads which will be more likely to close at a faster rate. The more consistent your lead pipeline, the more consistent the overall health of your business.
  • Winning the job is only a fraction of the job – being able to deliver the desired project outcome on time and under budget is the rest. To do so from project to project consistently, you must have a strong handle project data and profitability. Extensive reporting options available in ConstructionSuite and ConstructionOnline populate data in multiple, insightful configurations to support the continued growth of your success.

In the years that I have been working with growing construction firms worldwide as a part of the UDA Success Team, I have been able to identify the key ingredients for growing a business – visibility, preparedness, accessibility, and intelligence are all characteristics that can be developed in your business simply with the addition of a project management solution like ConstructionSuite or ConstructionOnline. Take control of your business today and get started with the most powerful lead tracking tools available in a construction management software – learn more here.