UDA ConstructionOnline Blog

How Do you Define Success?

Written by Cydney Dorsey | May 21, 2019

As the Success Coordinator for ConstructionOnline here at UDA Technologies, I spend my days asking the question – what does success mean for you? See, each company comes to us seeking a different - albeit similar - solution. Our goal is the utmost success of each of our customers, so we open the discussion about your personal definition of success to ensure the return on your investment in a project management solution is focused on what is most valuable to you.

The success of our company is contingent on the success of our clients – that’s why we operate with the motto of Our Goal Is Your Success at the forefront of everything we do – because our success is dependent upon each of your individual experiences. At its core, success is achieved when a defined set of goals are reached. We look at many factors to measure our success, a few of the most important being  

User Activity: We confidently provide the tools needed to manage projects from start to finish, but even the fastest supercar sits at rest if there’s no one to drive it. That’s why it’s important for us to measure each customer’s engagement with the system – we know if you are working in the system, then the system is working for you.

Client Satisfaction: Our clients come to us seeking a project management solution, and we deliver a substantial response. Through extraordinary customer service and an exceptional feature set, we strive to ensure that our customers are achieving individual success. Satisfied clients contribute to the creation of more customers through invaluable recommendations and exemplary usage – and there’s nothing more impactful.

Company Growth: The power of momentum is found in unceasing action – whether developing new technology, enhancing product offerings, or expanding our team, each facet of our progress allows for us to better address the needs of our growing client base. Since 1999, we have dedicated ourselves to continued advancement and remain true to that course.

As a team, we look for opportunities to further foster our internal culture of success, and really make it a core focus of our daily interactions – sharing inspiration from great leaders like John Wooden in morning meetings, rocking out to some celebratory tunes for a little musical motivation, embracing moments of collaboration and competition to make UDA the best of the best. I know for me personally, the greatest inspiration is hearing the success stories of UDA’s current clients and seeing the real-world impact our project management solution has in the industry. Learning about all the different ways in which our tools are working to build the world around us and empower users one jobsite at a time, helps me to define my purpose because your success is the realization of my goal.

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