UDA ConstructionOnline Blog

4 Ways to Use ConstructionOnline from the Jobsite Everyday

Written by Cydney Dorsey | August 13, 2019

As a project team member in the field, we know your day is full of challenges – from unforeseen weather conditions to demanding schedules, your priorities and your work can often be thrown way off track. To be able to maintain focus successfully, you need to maximize your efficiency and centralize your information in one place that is organized and accessible. ConstructionOnline, UDA’s comprehensive project management solution, is designed exactly for this purpose – improving the business of doing construction. Having helped hundreds of team members just like you find success with ConstructionOnline, I’m sharing the 4 ways to transform your day:

  • Check your GamePlan: Coming straight to your email and your Mobile App, GamePlan allows you to see what’s coming up for you, including Scheduled Tasks, Punch List Items, To Dos, and more. GamePlan content is only what is assigned to you, filtered by project and prioritized by due date, allowing you to focus on getting to work and getting done.
  • Reply To & Send Correspondence: Just like your phone with text messages, you’ll want to be sure to keep up with your ConstructionOnline correspondence, including Messages, RFIs, & Submittals, on a daily basis.
  • Submit Daily Logs: Logging is one of the most popular features in ConstructionOnline, and the number 1 tool used by team members in the field. The most successful clients I see complete logs at least once daily, if not more frequently, enhancing accuracy and simplifying communication from the jobsite.
  • Upload Progress Photos: A picture is worth a 1,000 words, and we know this is true – progress photos speak volumes to your project managers and your clients. Being able to quickly and easily capture and upload photos from the jobsite allows for everyone to be on the same page, whether or not you’re all on the same jobsite.

Done on a daily basis, each of these acts takes no more than a few moments to complete – and to be sure, those moments are time well spent. Not only will building these habits into your routine transform your day, but you will see a total transformation in your work (and your blood pressure) as time is saved, frustration avoided, and success achieved.

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