UDA ConstructionOnline Blog

4 Things GamePlan Remembers (So You Don't Have To)

Written by Ryan Martin | October 26, 2023

There is no other way to put it: when you have a construction project in the works, regardless of how big or small, there are a lot of pieces to the puzzle that must be put in place for things to go smoothly and without delay.

One of the biggest stumbling blocks many project managers face is the reality of making sure everybody is on the jobsite and taking care of their responsibilities in a timely manner. If this happens, everything is fine. When it doesn’t, however, things can spiral out of control quite quickly!

Thankfully for our ConstructionOnline users, they have a revolutionary tool that combines construction project scheduling software with the power of automation - GamePlan. Exclusively available in UDA ConstructionOnline, GamePlan empowers project managers to alleviate the headaches that often stem from keeping everyone else on track. With just a couple of clicks, project managers can set up automated email task lists for anyone on their team, making the particular stress of micro-managing resources a thing of the past.

Let’s take a look at the ways GamePlan can make your life easier and help your projects run to perfection:

1. You don’t have to remember who to call

Routinely, whether the project is major or minor, you will have several people to call or email. With everything you have on your plate over the course of any given day, it can be far too easy forget to call one or two of the subcontractors on your list. Even just a couple of omissions can be enough to derail your project, and such slips can be enough to lead to adverse results that will leave your client far from happy.

With GamePlan, you don’t have to worry about remembering each and every person you need to call on a daily basis. Once you have a GamePlan email set up for each subcontractor or company employee on the project, GamePlan automated task lists will handle the job of letting each one of the them know what they have in store.

2. You don’t have to remember to call them

Let’s say that remembering each and every person involved with your project is your forte. That’s great; your memory is better than most! However, what happens if you have a very hectic day and never get around to calling your subcontractors? Uh oh.

GamePlan can take this scenario completely out of the equation. Once you have GamePlan emails in place, they can be set to remind everyone of their upcoming tasks on a daily, weekly, two-week or four-week basis. Additionally, the GamePlan emails can be set to go out at specific times of the day. All in all, GamePlan will remember to contact everyone on your behalf; you’re off the hook!

3. You don’t have to remember what to tell them

If you’ve not forgotten anyone, and you’ve been able to reach every single person, there is still the matter of telling each subcontractor everything they need to take care of. Maybe you remember to tell Susan about two of the three things she needs to get done on the jobsite tomorrow, but because she didn’t know about the third item, she didn’t bring the necessary tools and materials with her, thus leading to a delay and loss of productivity.

In GamePlan emails, your subcontractors and employees get a rundown of every task they have been assigned to during the designated time frame, so you don’t have to stress about racking your brain for every last detail.

4. They don’t have to remember what you told them

Maybe you remembered to call everyone, and gave them a list of every single task they need to address on the project. Nothing could go wrong from here, right? Not quite. What if they didn’t write down everything you said, or what if they got some dates mixed up?

GamePlan is a huge organizational tool for your subcontractors and employees as well. With the concise list of tasks that will land in their inbox and mobile app, they will have no question about where they need to be, when they need to be there, and what they need to do!

If you would like to learn more about GamePlan for ConstructionOnline, don’t hesitate to drop us a line or give us a call at 800-700-8321. We’ll be glad to talk with you about how GamePlan can help take your construction project management to the next level!

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