UDA ConstructionOnline Blog

Learn from the Pros: Markup & Margin in Construction Estimates

Written by Melanie Ross | October 20, 2020

 UDA Technologies is the fastest growing provider of construction management software. With over 500,000 users worldwide and exceeding $65 billion in jobs managed every day, our goal remains the same: your success. This post is part of an ongoing series that deep dives into features of our ConstructionSuite project management solution.

Accurately adding markup and company overhead to your construction estimates will allow you to successfully bid and win new jobs, while ensuring increased profitability in your company. Join Senior Product Specialist, Taylor Pruitt, as he explains the options provided for applying markup to construction estimates in the robust estimating system  of ConstructionSuite, UDA's industry-leading construction management software platform.


If you're ready to increase profits and accurately estimate construction jobs, get a trial of ConstructionSuite today!