UDA ConstructionOnline Blog

Avoid Communication Breakdown in Construction Projects

Written by Ryan Martin | November 30, 2022

It goes without saying that effective communication is crucial for the success of your construction projects. But anyone who has ever spent a day on the jobsite knows just how easily communication can get lost in the chaos - drowned out by the constant changes, shifting timelines, and unforeseen issues that are all in a day's work on any construction project. Miscommunication - or a lack of communication altogether - can lead to costly errors & project delays, and may ultimately compromise the overall quality of the build.

Fortunately, these missteps are completely avoidable when you take steps to streamline communication. Whether it's conveying design changes, addressing safety concerns, providing timely updates, or coordinating complex tasks, implementing simple, convenient solutions to keep your team members connected can enhance collaboration, minimize risk, and keep construction projects running on time and under budget.  

Many construction companies today find that construction management software provides a valuable solution for project communication. By acting as the central hub for all project-related communication, construction management software, like ConstructionOnline, acts as the central hub for all project-related communication and guarantees that everyone from architects and engineers to contractors and laborers remains connected and well-informed.

Project Messaging

In the midst of busy construction projects, even the simplest communication can sometimes be challenging. You have to be sure you're reaching out to the right people through the right channels, and even still this can leave you chasing down disjointed info across multiple sources. Keeping all correspondence organized and easily accessible quickly becomes a daunting task.

With ConstructionOnline's innovative Project Messaging feature, you have the power to effortlessly communicate with your clients, subcontractors, and other essential contacts. Whether you're using the user-friendly online platform or the convenient mobile app, ConstructionOnline ensures that all your messages are organized by project and contact, allowing for easy retrieval and quick responses.

Construction RFIs

If you've ever been involved in a commercial construction project, you're well aware of the challenges that come with gathering all the necessary information from the different parties involved. This can quickly become overwhelming, leaving you buried under a mountain of Requests for Information and struggling to keep track of responses and next steps.

If you’ve ever found yourself on the verge of madness because of a similar scenario, you can take a breath and relax. ConstructionOnline offers construction management software that makes tracking construction RFIs easy work. All your RFIs will be conveniently stored in one place within ConstructionOnline, ensuring that you can easily access your responses and the vital project information they contain with just a click.


Transmittals play a crucial role in construction project management, as they serve as a means to send essential documents, including plans and records, to multiple parties involved. These documents are often time-sensitive, emphasizing the urgency and importance of their delivery.

With ConstructionOnline’s Transmittals, you can easily get your Transmittals out without delay. Gone are the days of waiting for paperwork to be physically delivered or relying on slow email exchanges. This streamlined process ensures that your important documents reach the intended recipients immediately. 


Similar to Transmittals, Submittals consist of plans, specifications, and documents that must reach various stakeholders involved in the planning, management, and execution of your construction projects. However, Submittals pose an additional challenge as they require a response, and often, this response is key to determining your next steps.

Submittals in ConstructionOnline make it easy for you to create and track your Submittals, so you always know where your correspondence stands. Recipients are notified immediately when a Submittal is sent to them, and they can easily enter their response, denoting whether the Submittal is approved, rejected or needs further revision. With the guess work eliminated and the waiting game quelled, you’ll be able to maintain and establish an efficient line of communication via Submittals and keep everything on its best course.

Like what you’re reading so far? Reach out to us as soon as you can to get more information on how ConstructionOnline’s communication tools can help you take your business to another level at 800.700.8321!

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